Monday, September 30, 2019

Newton's 2nd Law Lab + Practice Test

Today you completed the Newton's 2nd Law Lab. I would like to check this while you take your test on Thursday, but if you finish it early I can check it early. The grade for this lab won't count until next quarter.

I checked the Coefficient of Static Friction lab from Friday. This is due today and if you don't get it checked it will severely affect your quarter grade.

Remember that the end of quarter is on Thursday. Anything you want to get on to the quarter grade needs to be done/turned in by Wednesday.

Finally, you picked up the Force Test Practice and Forces TIPERs #4. I don't want either of those back - they are for your practice only. We will do a Plickers about Force TIPERs #4 on Wednesday .Below is the key for the practice test.

You will have a workday on Wednesday and your test is Thursday.

Force Practice Test Key:

Below are some videos I made a few years ago. They might help you with some of the problems, but keep in mind that these might not perfectly match your practice test and the grading will probably NOT be the same.

This one is like #2, though it is solving for something else 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Coefficient of Static Friction Lab

First we used Plickers to grade last night's suggested homework, then the rest of the period was yours to work on the Coefficient of Static Friction Lab.

The only homework is to finish that lab if you didn't finish in class. I would like to check it while you are completing the Newton's 2nd Law Lab on Monday/Tuesday.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Friction on an Incline

Today we went over Friction TIPERs #3, then we did a problem together on the board:

The rest of the period was work time. You could have worked on your suggested homework, p.118 #39, 43, 51, and/or the pre-lab for the lab you'll be doing tomorrow, Coefficient of Static Friction Lab.

Tomorrow we will do one Plickers for the suggested homework, then you will have the rest of the period to do the pre-lab and lab. In previous years one period was enough time to complete all of that.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Incorporating Friction into Newton's 2nd Lab Problems

Today we first went over Friction TIPERs #2. Then we continued the notes from last class, doing two story problems that included friction.

I decided not to give additional homework, so Friction TIPERs #3 is the only thing to work on tonight. We'll go over it tomorrow.

Monday, September 23, 2019


Today we started talking about friction:

Notes: Friction

We completed Friction TIPERs #1 in class; Friction TIPERs #2 and Friction TIPERs #3 are suggested homework. Email for copies.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Today is basically a repeat of yesterday. We did some Plickers, then you had time to work on another suggested problem set: p. 114 MC #10 + p.116 #24, 35, & 36A (but without numbers - find acceleration in terms of m1, m2, and g).

We'll be learning about friction on Monday/Tuesday. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

More Practice

Today and tomorrow you will be working on more practice problems involving forces. Tomorrow will be another such work day, with some Plickers problems at the beginning. We had some Plickers problems today, too.

Here is the problem set for today (homework if you don't finish in class): p. 117 #26, 29, 38

In case you run out of stuff to work on, this will be tomorrow's problem set: p. 114 MC #10 + p.116 #24, 35, & 36A (but without numbers - find acceleration in terms of m1, m2, and g).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Inclined Planes

First we did a Plickers for one of last night's homework problems.

Then we went through how to deal with inclined planes. There is only one major change: you tip the axes over so that the x-axis runs parallel to the surface of the inclined plane and the y-axis is perpendicular to the inclined plane.

After you tip the axes you proceed pretty much the same as yesterday.

Hopefully you started your homework in class:

Suggested: p. 117 #27 & 28. Plickers tomorrow.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Solving Newton's 2nd Law Problems

Today we went through a method of solving word problems that involve Newton's 2nd Law:

Notes: Solving Newton's 2nd Law Problems

Suggested homework: p. 116 #17, 21, 25

Friday, September 13, 2019

Work Day (Half Day)

Today is a half day, so periods were only 33 minutes long. We went over Force TIPERs #2 together, and the rest of the period was work time.

Force TIPERs #1 is due Mon/Tues and there will be a Plickers Mon/Tues based on #6-9 on the Forces Non-Textbook problems sheet.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Newton's Third Law

Today we talked about the last of Newton's three laws as well as the normal force.

Notes: Newton's Third Law

  • Suggested: #6-9 on the Forces Non-Textbook Problems (Plickers Monday/Tuesday)
  • Force TIPERs #1 - due next modular (you will probably have some time tomorrow to work on it a bit)
  • Force TIPERs #2 (we'll go over this one together tomorrow, so please make an effort but don't turn in)
Here are the free-body diagrams for boxes A and B on the back of Force TIPERs #1 (if we didn't get here, we'll do it tomorrow):

Here are some sketches about normal force that made it up onto the board.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Monday, September 9, 2019

Forces and Newton's First Law

Today we started our forces unit with Newton's first law and free body diagrams:

Notes: Forces and Newton's First Law

We worked on a Net Force worksheet in class - it is homework if you didn't finish, and you will be turning this in. Respond on Remind or email me if you need a copy.

Suggested homework is #1-3 on the Forces Non-Textbook Problems Bank. We actually will not have time for a Plickers for this on Wednesday, so all I can do is encourage you to read and think about those three problems.

Friday, September 6, 2019

2-D Kinematics Quiz

This is worth half as many points as all of our other unit tests. No homework for the weekend - get some rest.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Work Day

Today we quickly went over Projectile Motion TIPERs #2, then you have work time. Your quiz is tomorrow. The practice quiz and key were on yesterday's entry.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Projectile Motion Lab

Today was your day to take data for the Projectile Motion Lab, which you picked up last Friday. Please have the Background/Theory and Procedure sections, as well as your answer for the launch velocity of your launcher, ready to check in your notebook on Friday. If you finish earlier than that, I can check it earlier.

Out on the counter top were two things for you to pick up.

1. Projectile Motion TIPERs #2 - please do this by tomorrow so we can go over it together. You will not be turning this in.

2. 2-D Kinematics Quiz Practice . Your quiz (half as long and half as many points as the last unit test) is on Friday. Tomorrow will be a work day. Here is the key to the practice quiz: KEY.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Graphs Quiz and Test Return

Today we first did a Plickers problem on one of the weekend's homework problems.

Then we spent 20 minutes taking a 10 question, multiple choice quiz. This won't hurt your grade, but could help your grade.

Next we returned and quickly went through your 1-D kinematics test. Keep that, it's yours now.

Finally, you spent the last 15 minutes or so getting ready for your lab tomorrow, which mostly meant completing and understanding #48 parts A & B on page 82.

No homework tonight, except to be ready to take data for the Projectile Motion Lab tomorrow.