Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Calendars for Online Classes

 Here are the direct links to get to the class calendars, as some people are having trouble getting in through Teams.

AP Physics 1: https://bit.ly/volkening1calendar

AP Physics C: https://bit.ly/volkeningCcalendar

Monday, August 10, 2020

Starting Online

 Welcome to physics with Ms. Volkening! Because we are starting online, everything you need for class will be in Teams in Office 365. We will not be using this blog much unless/until we return to in-person classes.

Here's how to log in to Office 365:

  1. Open a web browser (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge will both work).
  2. Type “office.com” in the address bar and press ENTER.
  3. Sign in: Type your full school email address including the @s.tusd1.org portion (for example, 1300101011@s.tusd1.org) and click “Next”.
  4. Password: Type your 10-digit Student ID (Matric) and click “Sign in.”