Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Universal Gravitation

Today we used some fake data to derive the Law of Universal Gravitation. It ended up on the board:

Here is the fake data activity: Universal Gravitation Pseudo Lab

Homework was printed out on little strips. Here is an electronic copy: Homework 11/30. Don't forget to do the back.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Science For Seniors

Today some presenters came in to talk to you about options for science classes your senior year. Ms. Tautz talked about AP Physics C (Mechanics and Electricity&Magnetism) and Research Methods. Ms. Hamilton talked to you about AP Biology and AP Environmental Science. We also told you about the KEYS internship program, for which the application deadline is fast approaching.

Here are some of the presentations from today:

AP Physics C
Research Methods

Your homework for the long weekend is FRQ 2009Bb1 (email for a copy), which you will correct yourself on Monday/Tuesday. This FRQ describes a lab that you will actually be doing on Monday/Tuesday, so it's really a sort of pre-lab. You may want to look at the lab sheet over the weekend too: Finding g With Centripetal Force.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Banked Curves

Today we talked about  banked curves:

Notes: Banked Curves

Later we worked on Ch. 7 (p. 231) #52 which became homework if not finished in class.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Practicing Centripetal Acceleration Problems

These are the toughest problems of this whole unit, so we're still working on them.

Chapter 7 (p. 228) #18, 20, 32 (Homework if not finished in class).

Friday, November 18, 2016

Centrifugal Force

Today we talked about centrifugal force, which isn't a real force but rather a result of a rotating reference frame. This topic won't be tested, but it's pretty fun to think about and demonstrate.

Any leftover time was spent working on tonight's homework: Chapter 7 (p. 228) #26 & 30

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Centripetal Force and Acceleration

Today we introduced centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. We'll be doing a lot more with these next week.

Notes: Centripetal Acceleration and Force

Homework is Chapter 7 (p. 228) #17 & 22

Below is the work for an example problem in the notes.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rotational Kinematics Practice

I want to make sure you all are solid with using angular variables and rotational kinematics problems before we move forward, so today we simply practiced some tougher story problems. Whatever you didn't finish in class is homework:

p.227 #8, 9, 11, 69

Monday, November 14, 2016

Rotational Motion Introduction

Today we began our rotational motion unit with an introduction of angular quantities and how they relate to linear quantities.

Notes: Rotational Motion

Homework: Chapter 7 (p.227) #1, 2, 5, 10, 14 and Rotational Motion TIPERs #1 (email if you need a copy).

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Energy Test

Today was your energy test! You have no homework, so please enjoy your three day weekend.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Vector Quiz + Keep Studying

Today we took a very short quiz on vecotr addition. We will be having these every few weeks for a while, each slightly more difficult than the last. This first one will get you one extra credit point for the correct answer and another extra credit point for correctly scoring a peer's paper.

The rest of the period was yours to prepare for your energy test, which is tomorrow. You can find the practice test, solutions videos, and abridged answer key on yesterday's blog entry.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Energy Practice Test

Today and some of Wednesday are yours to prepare for your energy test on Thursday. On Wednesday we will have a short (one question) quiz on vector addition.

Energy Practice Test

Here are some solutions videos from a couple of years ago(may not perfectly match energy practice test).

Multiple Choice #1
Multiple Choice #2
Problem #1
Problem #2
Problem #3

Below are the abridged answers.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Practice Time!

Today we spent the first part of the period going over one of the homework problems, then spent the rest of the time working on, then peer grading, Energy TIPERs #7 (email for a copy). We did not turn it in, though.

I actually did not assign homework, but if you do have a test coming up next Thursdy, so if you want to start looking at the practice here it is: Energy Practice Test.

Also remember that my tutoring next week is on Monday instead of Tuesday.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Using Elastic Potential Energy in Energy Conservation Problems

Today we basically did several examples of energy problems that include springs:

Notes: Elastic Potential Energy and Energy Conservation

Homework tonight:

Energy TIPERs #6
+ p.160 #35, 39, 67. We will do one in class together tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Elastic Potential Energy

Today we defined elastic potential energy.

Notes: Elastic Potential Energy

Homework: p. 159 Problem #20 + p.157 Conceptual #11. Also start the front of Energy TIPERs #6 and we'll do the back tomorrow.