Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Universal Gravitation

Today we used some fake data to derive the Law of Universal Gravitation. Here is the activity: Universal Gravitation Pseudo-Lab.

Here is what ended up on the board:

And there weren't many good problems in the textbook, so I wrote some and put them on a little strip of paper: Universal Gravitation Homework.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Lab: Finding g With Centripetal Force

Here's what we did today:

Here is a link to the lab: Finding g With Centripetal Force

Your only homework is to finish your lab, although we won't have time to check it until Friday.

Your unit test is next Monday/Tuesday.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Banked Curve Problems + Practice

Today we talked about  banked curves:

Notes: Banked Curves

Later we worked on Chapter 7 (p. 228) #18, 20, 32, 52 which became homework if not finished in class.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Centrifugal Force

Today we talked about centrifugal force, which isn't a real force but rather a result of a rotating reference frame. This topic won't be tested, but it's pretty fun to think about and demonstrate.

Any leftover time was spent working on tonight's homework: Chapter 7 (p. 228) #26 & 30

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Centripetal Force and Acceleration

Today we introduced centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. We'll be doing a lot more with these next week.

Notes: Centripetal Acceleration and Force

Homework is Chapter 7 (p. 228) #17 & 22

Below is the work for an example problem in the notes.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Rotational Kinematics Practice

I want to make sure you all are solid with using angular variables and rotational kinematics problems before we move forward, so today we simply practiced some tougher story problems. Whatever you didn't finish in class is homework:

p.227 #8, 9, 11, 69

Monday, November 13, 2017

Rotational Motion Introduction

Today we began our rotational motion unit with an introduction of angular quantities and how they relate to linear quantities.

Notes: Rotational Motion

Homework: Chapter 7 (p.227) #1, 2, 5, 10, 14 and Rotational Motion TIPERs #1 (email if you need a copy).

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Energy Test

Today is your energy test! Have a good three day weekend.

P.S. You should have received either a missing assignment report or a grade summary report today. A message was sent out through Synergy appraising your parent or guardian of the existence of this report, so they may ask to see it.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Energy Test Practice

First you voted on which of last night's homework to go through as a class. I may have asked a student to do the problem, depending on the class period (and if anyone felt comfortable enough to go up to the board). Then you started your practice test. Your test is next Thursday, and some of next class will be taken up by completing and peer - grading one more TIPER, but the rest of next two class periods will be yours to work on this practice test and get your various labs checked.

There is no assigned homework for the weekend. Maybe go to the Teen Astronomy Cafe?

Energy Practice Test

Here are some solutions videos from a couple of years ago (may not perfectly match energy practice test).

Multiple Choice #1
Multiple Choice #2
Problem #1
Problem #2
Problem #3

Below are the abridged answers.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Using Elastic Potential Energy in Energy Conservation Problems

Today we basically did several examples of energy problems that include springs:

Notes: Elastic Potential Energy and Energy Conservation

At the end of the period I asked you to finish Energy TIPERs #6, then we checked it together and you kept it. Please do not turn that in.

Homework tonight: p.160 #35, 39, 67. We will do one in class together tomorrow.

Here is the solution to the last problem in the notes:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Elastic Potential Energy

Today we defined elastic potential energy.

Notes: Elastic Potential Energy

Homework: p. 159 Problem #20 + p.157 Conceptual #11. Also start the front of Energy TIPERs #6 and we'll do the back tomorrow.