Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Elastic Potential Energy

Today we defined elastic potential energy.

Notes: Elastic Potential Energy

Homework: p. 159 Problem #20 + p.157 Conceptual #11. Also start the front of Energy TIPERs #6 and we'll do the back tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Efficiency Lab

Today you completed a small lab to find if the angle of an inclined plane affects its efficiency as a machine:

You also have some homework, due Wednesday: p.162 #47 & 89

Friday, October 26, 2018


Today we very briefly talked about machines and efficiency.

Notes: Machines

Your homework is a little half sheet called HW: Machines.

On Monday/Tuesday nest week you will be completing a lab. The goal is to answer the question: does the angle of a ramp affect its efficiency? How? How you answer this question is up to you, so think about it over the weekend.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Notes: Power!

Here is the solution to the last example problem:

Homework: p. 162 #45, 50 (use Watts instead of horsepower), 56 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I will only see periods 5 and 6 today because of the PSAT in the morning. Periods 5 and 6 will be study halls. If you are not in my 5th or 6th but want help with physics, you can come to my room if you have a note from your actual 5th/6th period teacher.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Force Quiz and Work Problems Practice

Today we first completed a 30 minute, 10 question multiple choice quiz about forces. Then we did a problem together (see below) and finally worked homework.

Homework: Energy TIPERs #5 (email or reply on Remind for a copy), due THURSDAY. Warning: Energy TIPERs #5 is not easy, but we do have a little time on Thursday for help, so please do not stay up all night stressing about it. You have the PSAT on Wednesday; please focus on preparing and resting for that.

Here is the problem solved with numbers:

And again without numbers first:

Friday, October 19, 2018

Work Due to a Variable Force

Today we found the work due to a variable force with graphs and used that to find velocity at a given position.

Notes: Work Due to a Variable Force (remember to download and run as a slideshow)

We practiced in class with Energy TIPERs #4 (email for a copy). This was NOT turned in for a grade.

Homework tonight is Chapter 5 (p. 163) #59, 60, 61

Thursday, October 18, 2018


What is work? This is not a philosophical question.

Notes: Work

We worked on Energy TIPERs #3 in class today, which you kept as notes.

Homework is p. 158 #8, 9, 13, 16

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Energy Conservation Practice

First we went over Energy TIPERs #2 and #37 from yesterday's homework:

We spent the rest of the period practicing more problems. If you didn't finish in class, these are homework:

Energy Conservation Practice (email or reply on Remind for a copy)
p. 160 #32 & 38

Monday, October 15, 2018

Mechanical Energy

Today we started talking about mechanical energy and its conservation:

Notes (remember to run as a slide show!)

This left about 10-15 minutes left in the period, but hopefully you used it to start your homework:
  • Energy TIPERs #1 (email or reply on Remind for a copy)
  • Energy TIPERs #2 (email or reply on Remind for a copy)
  • p.160 Problems #25 & 33. Try #37 but it won't be the one graded.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Newton's 2nd Law Lab + Force Test Practice

Today you completed the Newton's 2nd Law Lab. This will be due after Fall Break, but if you finish it early I can check it early. You will not be turning it in - I'll just check it in your notebook.

I checked the Coefficient of Static Friction lab from Friday. This is due today and if you don't get it checked it will severely affect your quarter grade.

You received either a missing assignment report or a grade report today. Missing assignments can be turned in after break, but if you want them on your quarter grade you need to turn them in no later than Wednesday.

Finally, you picked up the Force Test Practice and Forces TIPERs #4. I don't want either of those back - they are for your practice only. Below is the key for the practice test but I cannot post the key for the TIPER online because it is copyrighted. The key is in class.

You will have a workday on Wednesday and your test is Thursday.

Force Practice Test Key:

Below are some videos I made a few years ago. They might help you with some of the problems, but keep in mind that these might not perfectly match your practice test and the grading will probably NOT be the same.

This one is like #2, though it is solving for something else 