I checked the Coefficient of Static Friction lab from Friday. This is due today and if you don't get it checked it will severely affect your quarter grade.
Remember that the end of quarter is on Thursday. Anything you want to get on to the quarter grade needs to be done/turned in by Wednesday.
Finally, you picked up the Force Test Practice and Forces TIPERs #4. I don't want either of those back - they are for your practice only. We will do a Plickers about Force TIPERs #4 on Wednesday .Below is the key for the practice test.
You will have a workday on Wednesday and your test is Thursday.
Force Practice Test Key:

Below are some videos I made a few years ago. They might help you with some of the problems, but keep in mind that these might not perfectly match your practice test and the grading will probably NOT be the same.
This one is like #2, though it is solving for something else