Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Friday Holiday and Grade Clarification

Happy Wednesday everyone. Officially Friday is a holiday, so if you contact me on Friday I might not get back to you super quickly. I am also cancelling Friday's Zoom office hour.

Per an email about an hour ago, it turns out that even though the sound test and sound lab were from before the closure, I can't have it affect your quarter grade. I don't think that's fair, but that's how it goes. This doesn't really do anything to anyone, though, since you all have been awesome about emailing those to me anyway. If you still haven't made up the test or sent me the lab, though, I guess you could just blow them off and there aren't any real consequences. However if you do that we have been directed to send your name to administration, so they know who is not really prepared for next year and they can keep an eye on you.

I am still inputting everything I said I would input, but it will be recorded as a quarter 4 grade [edit: it won't post, but it will be in Synergy], which can't bring your semester grade down below your quarter 3 grade. If you want to INCREASE your semester grade from the quarter 3 grade, you can totally do that. You can do the new stuff and make up stuff from last quarter - I'll take it all. I want you guys to get the best grade you can and/or want.

You may see your test grades popping up in Synergy - I'm about 1/4 of the way through them. I'll send you PDFs of your graded tests probably sometime next week so you can decide if you want to retake them.

And finally, cat photo:

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