Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Well, what a ride the last week has been. I hope you are somewhat enjoying your spring break. As you probably already know, school will definitely be closed through March 27th. [edit: the governor has announced that schools will be closed until at least April 10th] After that...we don't know yet. But here are some things we DO know:

1. Do not come to school on Monday, but do check your email often. Teachers have been directed to send you a letter through Synergy outlining what new learning is actually expected in the rest of the year as well as asking you questions about your resources at home, so we can plan for remote learning. PLEASE look for these letters from your teachers and complete ANY and ALL surveys that you may be asked to do.

2. TUSD will be distributing laptops where needed (taken from COWS, so you don't get to keep them) but they need to know. So also pay attention to those automated phone calls TUSD sends sometimes. And again, complete your teachers' surveys.

3. The ACT is definitely NOT happening during a school day for the rest of the school year.

4. The College Board has released this statement, which is a huge deal. Please read it, and I will include what this means for AP Physics 1 specifically in my letter on Monday. The short story is that we have already covered everything that they are going to test on the AP test.

5. You actually have an Office 365 account, and you may want to try logging into it to see what kinds of resources are available. Here's how you get in:

Go to:

login: [matric#] (be sure to use the "s")

password: your TUSD password

That's it for now. Look for my emails on Monday (also will be posted here). To be clear, YOU ARE STILL ON BREAK until Monday. There is nothing you NEED to do right now.

TUSD has a daily-updated FAQ sheet at

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